Recent announcements of new PFML policies have been met with significant positive press coverage that celebrates these companies. This suggests companies implementing PFML may receive external recognition and a resultant boost in reputation.

Step 1. Get the Facts

Announcement coverage

PFML announcements have been met with public acclaim across dozens of media outlets. Consider the outpouring of attention Ikea received in December 2016 when it announced its new paid parental leave policy:

Best Company Rankings

Many published company rankings (such as Working Mother 100 Best Companies) take benefits such as PFML into account.

"We get scored on those company best lists, and guess what will improve that score."
– Manufacturing company

Step 2. Take Action

  • Determine the extent to which your business would benefit from media / market attention to PFML
    • Would you be making the first high-profile PFML announcement in your industry?
    • Would the announced PFML benefits notably exceed those of your peers?
    • Could a PFML announcement be an opportunity to tell a novel positive story about your company?
    • Could your ranking be improved on lists such as Working Mother 100 Best Companies?